Meet the Sheep

Doris & Dudley
  • Doris and Dudley joined MMFS in the spring of 2024 after they had a traumatic birth at a southern Vermont farm where they both almost died during their delivery. Their birth was rough and they both had extreme soft tissue damage from being yanked out. Dudley had more damage occur, or his positioning in the womb was a bit off, but he had a much harder time rehabbing. We went through many rounds of antibiotics because both of them had "failure to thrive syndrome". Today they both are full of love, and we celebrate each day we have with them as they graze out in the big fields with the rest of our sheep. We love you D&D!

  • Kermit joined MMFS in the spring of 2023 along with two other sheep. He is an affection-loving boy who could not walk when he was born. A NOFA intern worked with him to regain his ability to walk. Many male lambs are harvested for meat, but not special Kermit who was rescued after working so hard to get well. Seeing his zoomies around the barn will put a smile on anyone’s face. He is a very social sheep who loves humans and getting pets.

  • Luca came with Kermit MMFS. Sheep are herd animals an should not live alone. Luca and Kermit are best buddies. Most male lambs are harvested for meat, but not Kermit and Luca, they will stay with us and be happy farm animals. They are very social and love people which is unique for a sheep. Luca has grown to be a big, healthy boy who is friendly and social with people.

  • Hawthorn was rescued from a local Vermont farm as a 6 month old lamb. Hawthorn sadly contracted a meningeal parasite as a little one. Even thought it was treated, it caused permanent nerve damage. Hawthorn walks a little funny, but does amazingly well! He walks, runs, grazes, and hangs out with his herd just like a sheep should. Because Hawthorn is differently abled, he is monitored closely and sometimes has acupuncture to help stimulate the muscles/nerves in his hind legs.

  • Priscilla is a two year old Icelandic ewe who found herself living in a less than ideal condition. Her owner had lost both companion goats due to inappropriate conditions, and Pricilla certainly has a history of being tied to a tree. Although she has a past that has not been great, she has a funny little personality that we are beginning to get to know. She even loves to walk on the leash!

  • Milka was born as a triplet. She would likely not have survived if she were not removed from her mother and hand raised. She was bottle fed and gently cared for by a friend of MMFS look her under her wing and nursed her back to health. She is now with MMFS and our little flock of sheep as a permanent home. Milka is a sensitive little sheep with beautiful coloring. We love her sweet spirit.

  • Peggy is a finnsheep cross who has lovely curly fleece. She is a cute, fuzzy girl who broke her leg early in life. Normally lambs who have such a severe injury do not survive. A friend of MMFS raised her with tender care in her home. Peggy has been all around Burlington, VT as a little lamb and would bring a smile to any face seeing her in the car happy to join along with her foster mom. She grew big enough and healthy enough to join our flock.

In Memoriam

  • Coco was a very impressively tall ewe with a beautiful dark face. She was hand raised because she was thought to have no chance of living. A woman offered to take her from the farm and try to nurse her back to health. And it worked! She grew and grew, and later joined us at MMFS to live out her retirement. She now is free to graze with her BFF Mildred.

  • Mildred arrived with Coco to MMFS in October 2023. Mildred’s creamy white face and fleece were so endearing. She was around longer than Coco, and became the matriarch of the sheep herd. She had many, many lambs over the years and is free to rest all she wants now, with her good friend.