Meet the Birds

  • MMFS has 10 to 12 chickens at any given time. They live here permanently in their coup with their chicken friends. They all have their own story of abandonment. Some from local feed stores as unsold or sick chicks. Or, one was found on the New York City subway, left in a cardboard box. However they come to us, MMFS is now their home for life.

  • Our duck flock has grown from just a few ducks, to now over 50 ducks over the last year. We have several different breeds and they all have different stories of how they needed to be rescued. Some are from our partner Humane Long Island who works with elementary schools to stop duck hatching programs. Others were found on the side of the road. They live now at MMFS permanently with their duck friends.

  • Duke came to MMFS as day-old tiny little chick from a local feed store. Duke is a bronze turkey gobbler. He is best friends with Frankie and they patrol the sanctuary together. Duke will eventually grow to be an impressive turkey like his brothers Emory and Tom.

  • Emory came to MMFS with June as a sick, day-old tiny little chick from a local feed store. Emory is an impressive gobbler and is our largest turkey. Just in the last couple of months, he has gained all his plumage and gives us exciting displays. He is just as curious as June in investigating all parts of the farm and making sure he is involved.

  • Frankie came to MMFS as day-old tiny little chick from a local feed store. Frankie is a broad breasted white turkey. She is a very curious and social girl. She loves to be involved in all things at the sanctuary, especially during feeding time.

  • Gracie joined us this winter after a concerned citizen in Southern VT reached out to MMFS stating a neighbor's turkeys and chickens had moved into his property. Unfortunately by the time the landowner could get everyone in a safe place, all of the birds had been killed except sweet Gracie. She is a young hen turkey who is quiet and observant. We love her so much and we eventually hope our other female turkey Frankie will like her as well. 

  • Jerry came to us from Kinder Way Sanctuary where he was finding ways to wander into their neighbors' yards a little too often. Jerry hangs out with Tom, but he has really found his home with our ducks. We have a theory that Jerry might even think he IS a duck. He eats with the ducks, sleeps with the ducks, and is part of the flock. He is just like a big brother, especially to the baby ducks.

  • Tom came to us from Kinder Way Sanctuary where he was finding ways to wander into their neighbors' yards a little too often. He settled in at MMFS and Tom assumed his role as Chief Barnyard Supervisor almost immediately. He always makes sure he's part of what's going on and that everyone knows he's the best looking turkey here. The deep colors he displays in his waddles are second to none! Tom is also slowly becoming more social with staff and visitors.