Fall Feed Drive
Help us meet our FINAL goal for our fall feed drive! We are at $50,000!
Every animal at the sanctuary needs hay and grain - to eat, for bedding, or for nesting.
Hay and grain are our #1 expense at MMFS. We estimate that we will use $75,000 of hay, grain, necessary supplements and other feed in 2024. Winter is an especially critical time to have lots of hay on hand which means we need to start now to fill our hay loft and stock up our grain and supplement stores. Hay alone is an enormous need through the sanctuary. With no grazing available during the Vermont winter, horses, donkeys, goats, and sheep eat almost exclusively hay from November through sometimes as late as May. Our older, metabolic horses can’t eat grass at all, even when it comes in which increases our hay and grain needs. When it comes to our pigs, they need deep nesting areas to stay warm all winter long, and they eat hay too! Rabbits and birds need hay and grain eating, bedding, and nesting.
Our goal for our Fall Feed Drive is $75,000, 100% of which will go to feeding the sanctuary animals. Will you support our horses, donkeys, goats, sheep, pigs, rabbits, ducks, and chickens with as large a gift as you are able to give during our Fall Hay Drive?